People connecting with policy. 这不仅仅是一个短语, it’s an action plan that strengthens the relationship between CHS and policymakers. 的CHSPAC, the political action committee of CHS, 为员工和制作人提供了一个与其他人一起将CHS的声音带到最前沿的机会. By voluntarily pooling their personal financial resources to support the CHSPAC, 合格的雇员和制作人帮助选举州和联邦政府的候选人, connecting and empowering the CHS community.
CHSPAC实践透明度和深思熟虑的考虑,以确定和支持理解并同情农业综合企业面临的经济和监管挑战的候选人, 澳门皇冠赌场平台, 以及皇冠hga010安卓二维码部门. Led by an eight-member advisory committee, 每年都会对标准进行评估,以指导决策,以确保公平和无党派的政治捐赠方法. Participation in the CHSPAC is limited by the Federal Election Campaign Act, which 政府erns the CHSPAC's activities and reporting requirements.
Contributions to CHSPAC are not tax-deductible and are completely voluntary. CHS不会因为捐款的数额或不捐款的决定而偏袒或损害任何人. CHSPAC报告的副本已提交给联邦选举委员会,并可在以下网址获得 选举委员会.政府.
For information on how to become a CHSPAC member, please 电子邮件我们.